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TSI Writing Videos 80 videos
Which is the best way to revise and combine sentences 1 and 2?
Where would the following sentence best be placed?
Which is the best location for sentence 9?
TSI Writing: Correcting the Transition between Two Clauses 0 Views
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Think about how you would rewrite the following sentences according to the directions given, and then choose the best answer for each. Keep in mind that your revision should not change the meaning of the original sentence.
Rose frequently insults her friends to make herself feel superior
- 00:03
All right forty essay writing to edit rose frequently insults
- 00:07
her friends to make herself feel superior In addition she
- 00:11
dominates most conversations with her own concerns That kind of
- 00:15
friends would stick around with rose here all rights We're
- 00:18
going to rewrite this thing to be rose frequently insults
Full Transcript
- 00:21
her friends who make herself feel superior semi colon frank
- 00:25
What if the next words Well shakespeare wrote that a
- 00:31
rose by any other name would smell as sweet But
- 00:35
frankly this rose kind of stinks let's See if we
- 00:38
can find the best way to complete the rewritten sense
- 00:40
about this highly narcissistic friend who's just kind of mean
- 00:43
what the major clue here is the semi colon right
- 00:46
there which is a signal for us to begin the
- 00:48
remainder of our rewritten sentence with a conjunctivitis adverb like
- 00:52
it's conjunctivitis joining and it's an adverb it's like a
- 00:56
verb Plus since we're accumulating a list of negative characteristics
- 01:01
that makes further more i mean roughly the same thing
- 01:05
as and or in addition the best choice so goes
- 01:08
like rose frequently insults our friends to make her sell
- 01:11
feel superior Furthermore she dominates most conversations blah blah well
- 01:16
none the last d right there works with punctuation but
- 01:20
has the wrong meaning We're not contrasting a positive characteristic
- 01:23
with a negative one and yet like be points out
- 01:26
a contrast it doesn't exist We all know rose's pretty
- 01:29
narcissistic starting independent clauses with coordinating conjunction and is generally
- 01:34
a no go a cz well so give it up
- 01:36
big so that's it furthermore she dominates and well she 00:01:39.939 --> [endTime] just shmoop Bye Call me maybe
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