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TSI Writing Videos 80 videos
Which is the best way to revise and combine sentences 1 and 2?
Where would the following sentence best be placed?
Which is the best location for sentence 9?
TSI Writing: Matching Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement with Verb Tenses 22 Views
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Select the best version of the italicized part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose the first answer.
Ida hated the raccoon that lived somewhere in her backyard because last
summer, they ate all of her garbage and left wrappers all over her driveway.
- 00:03
All right Reading from proves another sentence for you Here
- 00:06
we go Ida hated the raccoon that lives somewhere in
- 00:08
her backyard because last summer they ate all of her
- 00:12
garbage and left wrappers all over her driveway Like you
- 00:15
got problems here They and it don't you think Go
Full Transcript
- 00:19
raccoons nature's robin hood stealing from the rich giving to
- 00:22
the poor gorging themselves on garbage Well it's been a
- 00:25
while since we've read that story What This questions all
- 00:28
about making sure that parallelism is alive and well on
- 00:32
ly the sentence with a singular pronoun in a past
- 00:34
tense verb solves our problems Ideas On the other hand
- 00:38
well we recommend meditation and maybe some poison there may
- 00:42
be no we like reckons sorry Just kidding Just kidding
- 00:45
All right Well the pronoun they is plural and the
- 00:48
noun raccoon is singular So we have an issue with
- 00:51
agreement there in a and b i'd only hates one
- 00:55
raccoon so the sentence should on ly refer to a
- 00:57
single unlucky little dude Splitting this sentence into two would
- 01:01
be okay if it wasn't for the mismatch verb tenses
- 01:04
like and see there the present tense eats doesn't match
- 01:07
The past sins left So that's it It's the summer 00:01:11.372 --> [endTime] in eight ball
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