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TSI Writing Videos 80 videos
Which is the best way to revise and combine sentences 1 and 2?
Where would the following sentence best be placed?
Which is the best location for sentence 9?
TSI Writing: Forming the Plural Possessive 0 Views
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Select the best version of the italicized part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose the first answer.
It is my opinion that Maureen O'Hara, the famous film star, redefined
actresseses roles.
- 00:03
Our site Writing bumpers Last one in this section's It
- 00:06
is my opinion that marino hera the famous film star
- 00:10
from like a million years ago redefined actress sis's roles
- 00:15
It's a good one All right well until we figure
- 00:20
out what the sentence wants to say we can deduce
Full Transcript
- 00:23
that our answer will be in the plural possessive Instead
- 00:26
of trying to work backward from the answer choices it's
- 00:28
much easier to know the rules for making possessive and
- 00:32
just go from there Well the first step is finding
- 00:34
the plural of actress which is actresses to make this
- 00:38
possessive just adding apostrophe That's it we don't need to
- 00:41
say actresses is says whatever this is so it's big
- 00:46
and possessive always include punctuation We never add an s
- 00:50
or yes thinking after the apostrophe and actresses refers to
- 00:54
the singular possessive like indeed yeah it's a grammar miracle
- 00:58
even if it isn't quite on thirty fourth street Yeah
- 01:01
that was the movie miracle on thirty fourth street marine
- 01:04
o'hara Yet go watch it new people new crappy movies
- 01:06
today nothing like the old days All right that's it
- 01:09
We're shmoop
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