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TSI Writing Videos 80 videos
Which is the best way to revise and combine sentences 1 and 2?
Where would the following sentence best be placed?
Which is the best location for sentence 9?
TSI Writing: Working with Colons: What Comes Next? 0 Views
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Think about how you would rewrite the following sentences according to the directions given, and then choose the best answer for each. Keep in mind that your revision should not change the meaning of the original sentence.
The United States government is composed of three branches
- 00:03
Okay sy writing editing shmoop er's Yeah there's Last in
- 00:06
this siri's united states government is composed of three branches
- 00:10
which are legislative executive and judicial You're going to rewrite
- 00:14
it here of the same beginning here but really change
- 00:17
things So how do we do this Well after a
Full Transcript
- 00:22
colon we have two choices Follow it with a complete
- 00:26
sentence that's related to the first which is not an
- 00:29
option Here They don't give it to you Floor slap
- 00:31
on a list that details what we're talking about in
- 00:33
the first place Legislative starts the list of the three
- 00:37
branches right that's the best choice while we're on the
- 00:40
topic Here's A fact nugget for yet the united states
- 00:42
system of government was inspired by a french doctrine called
- 00:45
the spirit of the laws which was written by the
- 00:47
baron of mont sq in seventeen forty eight We guess
- 00:51
the french have given us more than just the statue
- 00:53
of liberty and wine and freedom fries Okay well the
- 00:56
remaining options Unfortunately don't create a sentence after the colon
- 00:59
so use them So the answer here is be just 00:01:03.016 --> [endTime] legislative
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