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TSI Writing Videos 80 videos
Which is the best way to revise and combine sentences 1 and 2?
Where would the following sentence best be placed?
Which is the best location for sentence 9?
TSI Writing: Maintaing a Sentence's Subject Consistency 9 Views
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Select the best version of the italicized part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose the first answer.
When we try to play soccer on the school fields on the weekends,
the security guards give you a hard time.
- 00:03
Okay sy writing editors and future shmoop employees We got
- 00:06
another sentence here to add it when we try to
- 00:09
play soccer on the school fields on the weekends the
- 00:11
security guards give you hard time all right When we
- 00:15
and then you come on people even though it gets
Full Transcript
- 00:19
him in trouble It's clear that these any kids cams
- 00:21
is playing soccer on an actual field This scene must
- 00:24
have taken place somewhere in europe or latin america but
- 00:27
probably not in america What can't get in trouble though
- 00:30
is the lack of pronoun agreement Sentence needs to preserve
- 00:34
the first person point of view but switched to object
- 00:37
tiv mode in the independent claws Right The security guards
- 00:40
give us a hard time So when we try to
- 00:44
play soccer they give us a bad time Whatever Okay
- 00:48
so that's it The answer is c and the loser
- 00:50
bowl here Well what's less clear is why this sense
- 00:53
refers to the group as we in the first half
- 00:55
And you in the second half like that's Just wrong
- 00:57
Get rid of a the other two options Both use
- 01:00
some bizarre passive construction that well we'll avoid like security
- 01:04
Guards trying to kick us off a soccer field So
- 01:06
get rid of being the The answer is c The
- 01:08
security guards give us a hard time And they should
- 01:10
have given us a yes from uptown So we're done
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