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TSI Writing Videos 80 videos
Which is the best way to revise and combine sentences 1 and 2?
Where would the following sentence best be placed?
Which is the best location for sentence 9?
TSI Writing: Joining Two Independent Clauses 6 Views
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Select the best version of the italicized part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose the first answer.
Joseph Conrad was one of the great modern masters of
English prose, however he
did not learn the language until he was twenty years old.
- 00:03
All right see writing shmoop er's Another sentence for you
- 00:06
The horror The horror Yeah That's Who wrote that joseph
- 00:09
conrad was one of the great modern masters of english
- 00:12
prose However he did not learn the language untill he
- 00:15
was twenty years old All right so we got a
Full Transcript
- 00:18
common issue here and some other weird things going on
- 00:21
Forget all those reports about how hard it is to
- 00:23
learn a foreign language is an adult If joseph conrad
- 00:26
could do it well so can we Not really He
- 00:28
was actually amazingly talented And we're just us okay Writing
- 00:32
a literary classic in that new language on the other
- 00:34
hand Well it's always nice to have goals And as
- 00:37
you probably know he wrote the heart of darkness which
- 00:40
is the cursor teo apocalypse now one of finest shmoop
- 00:42
he's ever All right for now we'll focus on writing
- 00:45
this sentence in a way That's grammatically correct The sentence
- 00:49
starts with an independent claws and ends with a dependent
- 00:51
clause for the simplest construction Connect these clauses together with
- 00:56
the conjunction but and akama to craft a complete sentence
- 01:00
So it should read Joseph conrad was one of the
- 01:03
great modern masters of english prose but he did not
- 01:06
learn the language untill he was twenty years old right
- 01:09
So the original sense held together with a common the
- 01:11
conjunctivitis adverb however however that would require surrounding however with
- 01:17
both a semi colon and a comma and then now
- 01:20
to get rid of a yeah so and and really
- 01:22
be there but is a coordinating conjunction and shouldn't be
- 01:25
separated from the independent klaus with a semicolon like indy
- 01:28
So that's it today A complete sentence tomorrow heart of
- 01:31
darkness to black lung the revenge baby steps right Okay 00:01:36.917 --> [endTime] that's it the shmoop er
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