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TSI Writing Videos 80 videos
Which is the best way to revise and combine sentences 1 and 2?
Where would the following sentence best be placed?
Which is the best location for sentence 9?
TSI Writing: Punctuation with Dependent Clauses 0 Views
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Select the best version of the italicized part of the sentence. If you think the original sentence is best, choose the first answer.
It is difficult to imagine anything less lively than an ordinary
vegetable; because<.em> it is fast-rooted in the soil.
- 00:03
All right Yes i writing shmoop er's Another one for
- 00:05
you Here we go Sentence It is difficult to imagine
- 00:08
anything less lively than an ordinary vegetable semi colon because
- 00:13
it is fast rooted in the soil What a terrible
- 00:16
sense All right Well it is a truth universally acknowledged
Full Transcript
- 00:22
that vegetables do not move people if they dio return
- 00:26
them to the store immediately And whatever phil you had
- 00:29
an hour earlier See your doctor We're looking for a
- 00:32
transition toe further describe or better explain the first sentence
- 00:36
So because is our best bet there Because it is
- 00:41
fast rooted in the soil is a dependent clause so
- 00:45
it needs to be set off with a comma there
- 00:47
and on a semicolon So the answer is c and
- 00:51
in fact is generally used to elaborate on a contrary
- 00:54
point which isn't in fact what's happening here So you
- 00:57
get rid of b and e there and a semi
- 01:00
colon needs an independent clause on both sides So that's
- 01:03
not going to fly for a sense with a dependent
- 01:05
clause like in a so now how to keep the
- 01:08
rabbits from hopping away with those defenseless veggies Iam look
- 01:11
D'oh Is there a mad hatter around here somewhere Maybe
- 01:16
not All right that's it it See where shmoop teo
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