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TSI Writing Videos 80 videos
Which is the best way to revise and combine sentences 1 and 2?
Where would the following sentence best be placed?
Which is the best location for sentence 9?
TSI Writing: Understanding How to Flip a Sentence Around 1 Views
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Think about how you would rewrite the following sentences according to the directions given, and then choose the best answer for each. Keep in mind that your revision should not change the meaning of the original sentence.
The Spanish founded the new settlement of Mexico City
- 00:02
All right Yes I writing editors here More sentence stuff
- 00:05
for you conquistador Hernan cortes conquered the aztec city of
- 00:10
tenochtitlan in fifteen twenty one and then the spanish founded
- 00:14
the new settlement of mexico city Alright Rewrite the beginning
- 00:18
and with this thing the spanish founded the new settlement
Full Transcript
- 00:23
of mexico city and there's the three dots thing Okay
- 00:27
so what if the next words Well let's think about
- 00:30
this actual it's Not a period it's just the extension
- 00:32
of the line there after conquistador hernan cortes and then
- 00:37
conquistador although or before Well attention time lords This is
- 00:41
a question of what came first The spanish conquistadors ruthless
- 00:46
thief basement of dr klein or the foundation of mexico
- 00:50
city reading the original sentence carefully tells us that it
- 00:53
basically went down like kindergarten play time You know when
- 00:56
the class bully would knock over are carefully crafted lego
- 00:59
tower so he could build his own And you can
- 01:02
feel good about karma that i ended up working for
- 01:04
the nsa frisking people stuff all day for the government
- 01:08
But choosing after conquistador hernan cortes as as the next
- 01:12
words and the rewritten sentence allows us to retain this
- 01:16
Chronology So that's it it's egg after conquistador hernan cortes
- 01:21
just rolls off your tongue doesn't it Well founding a
- 01:24
new city before mr conquistador did his job would be
- 01:27
pretty difficult like in big and date and founding the
- 01:30
city despite conquering the city is a contradiction that doesn't
- 01:33
make any sense here on see so that's it it's 00:01:35.44 --> [endTime] a shmoop but not conquered
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