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TSI Writing Videos 80 videos
Which is the best way to revise and combine sentences 1 and 2?
Where would the following sentence best be placed?
Which is the best location for sentence 9?
TSI Writing: Simplifying a Sentence by Removing Redundant Words 4 Views
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Think about how you would rewrite the following sentences according to the directions given, and then choose the best answer for each. Keep in mind that your revision should not change the meaning of the original sentence.
Joseph is a devoted father
- 00:03
Are you writing shmoop er's next up Here we go
- 00:06
In addition to being a loving husband joseph is a
- 00:09
devoted father When when a nice guy all right let's
- 00:13
rewrite this puppy Joseph is a devoted father dot dot
- 00:17
dot and then one of the next words alright let's
Full Transcript
- 00:19
think about it This sense is delivering to joseph fax
- 00:27
both happened to use the verb be or is a
- 00:30
form of b so we could make the sentence more
- 00:33
succinct by including the verb only once and joining the
- 00:36
facts with a simple and the complete sense will then
- 00:40
read Joseph is a devoted father and loving husband That's
- 00:44
it it's a way simpler it's a lot like simplifying
- 00:47
a math problem We factor out the common factor and
- 00:50
combined the others right Well this may be either helpful
- 00:53
or horrifying depending on how you feel about mare The
- 00:56
resulting sentences short into the point which is a winning
- 00:58
combo is long as the grammar holds up In this
- 01:01
case it does the other options Overcomplicate the sentence So
- 01:04
goodbye b c and d answers a and loving husband 00:01:09.323 --> [endTime] in shmoop
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